[TriLUG] Re: USB memory key, removal, IO errors

Frye, Matthew Matthew.Frye at rexhealth.com
Thu Mar 25 14:46:47 EST 2004

>Remember that accessing a USB key is just like accessing any other 
>filesystem.  It gets mounted and need proper handling before you can 
>emove the device from the computer.

>Use unmount or eject to handle it.

Yes, I always unmount it.  I've found (with a different device) that not
unmounting can cause a microcode crash.  Specifically, USB connected MP3
players.  Ouch, $100 down the drain.  

>I found out that running 'eject /dev/sdXX' will clear the scsi system so 
>that if you mount one USB storage device, remove it, then mount naother, 
>you don't confuse the system.  It works but each new device gets a 
>different /dev/sdX assigned to it.  It gets confusing if you swap them 
>around a lot.

That's not such a big deal since I never automount it.  

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