[TriLUG] requirements for classes...

Rock Roskam Rock.Roskam at sas.com
Thu Apr 29 16:48:21 EDT 2004

I like this thread on this. I want vnc over port 80.  I have this link on a java applet container that will proxy the vnc for you.  http://www.ergotech.com/misc/VNCProxy.html  Now combined with gnome meeting or some other product and a box with vmware we could do a the whole shebang remotely.  I would also like something comparable to Live Meeting or Webex which is open sourced for Linux.  Still a big connection to the box would be needed in my experience the connection needs 128 kbps per user in and out.  2 or 3 users would start to swamp a dsl or cable connection.  I have not had the time yet to try an implementation. 


-----Original Message-----
From: trilug-bounces at trilug.org [mailto:trilug-bounces at trilug.org] On Behalf Of sholton at mindspring.com
Sent: Thursday, April 29, 2004 4:38 PM
To: Triangle Linux Users Group discussion list
Subject: RE: [TriLUG] requirements for classes...

Thus Quoth "Timothy A. Chagnon" <tchagnon at nc.rr.com>:

> Yes, the protocol (rfb?) that vnc uses is wicked simple and can be 
> snooped by just capturing the data stream and playing it back with a 
> slightly modified vncviewer.  Really just mouse & keyboard to server 
> and chunks of image to client.  You need a man-in-the middle sort of 
> proxy. I set it up for a client last year that wanted to keep records 
> of emergency (fix-the stupid M$-SQL server) off-hours vnc stuff.

So, with TriLUG's cooperation, we could not only have on-line 
classes, but we could archive them for later replay by those 
for whom the class starting time is a problem.

How difficult would it be to capture the voice path for playback in the same way?

Are there any of the "requirements for classes" we _haven't_ demolished yet?

Steve Holton
sholton at mindspring.com

Steve Holton
sholton at mindspring.com
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