[TriLUG] Irritating web site
john mitchell
john280z at earthlink.net
Mon May 10 19:25:59 EDT 2004
Did you consider writing them and complaining?
I am quite often surprised by the numerous web sites that require the
visitor to have a specific plug-in/option to use the site.
The purpose of a web site is to communicate - if the powers that be
find out that their Super-Whiz-Bang web site is not viewable by a
segment of the population, they will get it changed. I had this happen
when www.handango.com required Flash to use their web site. An e-mail to
the web master resulted in a reply from a VP and on the following Monday
it was usable without flash.
Please note that an e-mail that flames the site/product/code will get
less consideration than a polite query.
john mitchell
Andrew Perrin wrote:
>The web site for San Francisco's Hotel Nikko (www.hotelnikkosf.com) turns
>of scrollbars for any browser other than IE. (ugh.) That makes it
>impossible to read not just their site, but any site visited *after* it
>until you close the browser.
>This is quite irritating. Any advice on working around it? (Using Mozilla
>as browser.)
>Andrew J Perrin - http://www.unc.edu/~aperrin
>Assistant Professor of Sociology, U of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
>clists at perrin.socsci.unc.edu * andrew_perrin (at) unc.edu
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