[TriLUG] conglomerate

Mike M linux-support at earthlink.net
Thu May 13 14:03:43 EDT 2004

On Thu, May 13, 2004 at 01:06:46PM -0400, Brian Weaver wrote:
> Why not used a markup comment to tell VIM what you want the syntax to
> be?
> For example, in the first or last five lines do:
> <!--
>  vim:ft=xml
>  -->

That's cool.  Unfortunately it didn't do what I wanted.  My file are
aaa.sgml or xxx.xml.  That gets a certain amount of syntax recognition
where all "<xxx>" strings are colored blue.

What I'd like is 


Maybe there is some other control I can use to enhance the ft=sgml
or ft=xml to use the docbook extensions.

Thanks for the hint.


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