Controversial topic (was Re: [TriLUG] Tonight's talk - Linux Backup Strategies)

Lee elfick at
Fri May 14 10:00:36 EDT 2004

It's definately better to investigate the possibilites before they are 
required rather than after.

Tanner Lovelace wrote:

> Don't worry, Jim.  That thought hadn't even crossed my mind.  Your
> point about chairs is well taken, though.  We are starting to show
> signs of straining the resources (i.e. the number of chairs) in our
> current meeting location.  While I love our current meeting location
> and I know how hard it can be to find a good one, should we as a LUG
> perhaps be looking towards the future and start looking around for a
> bigger spot early rather than later?  I quail at the thought of
> potentially leaving RTI, but if we keep growing like we have been
> it isn't going to be too long until it starts getting really packed
> in there.
> Cheers,
> Tanner

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