[TriLUG] OT:<rant>Intrex just lost a customer</rant>

Chip Turner cturner at pattern.net
Sun May 16 20:31:45 EDT 2004

Andrew Perrin <clists at perrin.socsci.unc.edu> writes:

> That's absurd. Under no condition should one assume a piece of hardware
> will fail within hours of installation. And no rational consumer would
> purchase such a thing under those conditions.

I think since we only have one perspective on the matter that perhaps
it isn't as cut and dried as it seems.  Maybe the guy at the counter
thought it looked tampered with or otherwise damaged by the customer.
I'm as much for bashing on companies thay don't treat customers well
but I think that we really don't have enough information to make any
sweeping judgements.  At the end of the day, it was one employee who
didn't let the guy return the item... generalizing that to a sweeping
judgement about the entire company, especially on a mailing list,
isn't fair to anyone involved.  Just one datapoint; I'm sure even the
-best- of companies occasionally drop the ball.  Likewise, even the
-worst- of companies sometimes bungle into doing right by a customer.

Personally I myself thought the response by an Intrex employee was
more demonstrative of the company than one guy having bad luck
returning a noname media reader.  If anything, it makes me slightly
more likely to buy from there than the original post (though I usually
shop either the major chains or online).  I hope other Intrex
employees share that guy's interest in making sure the company is well
represented and the customer is treated well.


Chip Turner                   cturner at pattern.net

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