[TriLUG] Need a Stupid Sendmail trick

Dave Sorenson dave at logicalgeek.com
Thu May 27 10:27:13 EDT 2004

I didn't change anything other than to uncomment the section in sendmail.mc
to open up the local submission port. Then I point my mail client to port
587 for outgoing SMTP, open the firewall port and Bob's your uncle, I'm back
in business. 

Since I'm authenticating users before allowing relay as the RFC mandates,
it's working great. Sendmail smarthosts outgoing messages out through
Bellsouth. My incoming mail is rerouted to my temporary mailhost via my
domain's MX record. So now it doesn't matter what network I connect through,
I don't have to muck with outgoing SMTP settings just to send an e-mail.

Your advice will help with the next step of this experiment, I.E. resetting
the port Sendmail listens on for unauthenticated MTA to MTA for incoming
mail to my domain. If I can get sendmail listening on an unblocked port and
use this handy service: http://www.dnsmadeeasy.com/s0306/prod/msf.html
Bellsouth's port blocking is a moot point.

>From the days of the Apple II: "That which is locked by man, can be unlocked
by man."


-----Original Message-----
From: trilug-bounces at trilug.org [mailto:trilug-bounces at trilug.org] On Behalf
Of Matt Pusateri
Sent: Thursday, May 27, 2004 9:50 AM
To: trilug at trilug.org
Subject: RE: [TriLUG] Need a Stupid Sendmail trick


I am not sure what you changed, but I think the sendmail conf you are
looking for is DaemonPortOptions.  That way you can change what sendmail
listens on and still keep 587 for your local mail submission port.

Matt Pusateri

> Since I'm already configured for authentication before relay, I've 
> re-configured sendmail to listen on 587. It seems to be working to 
> solve the immediate issue, but I will know for sure tomorrow when I 
> can test from outside the Bellsouth network. Like I said, this is only 
> temporary till my lease is up and I make other arrangements. Thanks 
> for all the suggestions!
> Dave S.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: trilug-bounces at trilug.org [mailto:trilug-bounces at trilug.org] On 
> Behalf Of Jeremy Portzer
> Sent: Wednesday, May 26, 2004 10:02 PM
> To: Triangle Linux Users Group discussion list
> Subject: RE: [TriLUG] Need a Stupid Sendmail trick
> Well, I recommend you switch to postfix and set up TLS on port 465 
> (the standard smtp over SSL submission port).  If that port is blocked 
> you can choose another.  Here are some notes I made on this setup a while
> 	http://www.trilug.org/~jeremy/mail-notes.txt
> Hope this helps, please let me know if you have questions about the setup.
> Don't be scared of switching to postfix -- it's easy.  You'll probably 
> spend less time learning postfix than you would trying to configure 
> sendmail to make this one change!
> --Jeremy
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