[TriLUG] And now from the get rid of Ma and PaBell for good department: how to set up your own
Glen Ford
gford at idiom.com
Tue Jun 15 13:02:02 EDT 2004
Jon Carnes wrote:
>Cool beans!
>I'm slammed right now (and probably for a few days). You might get
>William Schulz to interconnect with you sooner.
>BTW: I would love to see your setup for your VoicePulse connection!
>On Sun, 2004-06-13 at 19:55, Glen Ford wrote:
>> I have first stab at getting my Asterisk to talk to your Asterisk
>>over IAX. I am using IAX2 and I turned on port forwarding [4569/UDP]
>>to allow your Asterisk server to contact my Asterisk server.
>>Below are my configs.
>>1. Here is my iax.conf file
>>register => gford:password at ip_of_jon:4569
>>;Allow Jon's server to register to my system from
>>;Jon's IP
>>;type=user is to authenticate an incoming call
>>;type=peer is someone you send a call to
>>2. my extensions.conf relevant entries
>>; I am gussing the 9 needs to be in first position in order to place an outbound call via the PSTN
>>include => misc
>>; thought is that person will call my PSTN and get voice prompt to enter 444 to call my cell phone
>>; then the call is place out Jon's PSTN .... MAYBE
>>exten => 444,1,Dial(IAX/To-JonServer:password@$(JONSERVER)/${GLENCELL}@internal)
I will send you my voicepulse configs tonight.
Glen Ford
gford at idiom.com
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