[TriLUG] Re: Managed languages (was .NET development on Linux)

Joseph Tate jtate at dragonstrider.com
Thu Jun 17 12:32:26 EDT 2004

Aaron Bockover wrote:

> As for memory management in C/C++... though the best memory handling is
> going to come from how well you write your code, memprof does help with
> identifying leaks.
> -Aaron

My point is that with a managed language you'll get more work done 
because you won't spend any time tracking these down.  I've got no 
problems with pointers, and I understand them better than most C++ 
programmers that I know, but if I don't have to deal with them, I can 
spend more time on important things, and I pride myself in the minimal 
number of memory leaks in my code, but even the most experienced 
programmer misses a free or delete here and there.  These are problems 
that should be abstracted away except in the most high-performance 
requirements.  As none of the code that I currently write requires that 
high performance, for any *new* project, I *will* use something besides 
C or C++.  Fortran is right out.


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