[TriLUG] linux server help needed

Jim Ray jim at neuse.net
Wed Jun 23 12:33:17 EDT 2004

If anyone is interested in working with me on some projects here and there,
I'd like to offer some Linux server options to clients.  I'm turning in a
quote today for $14,000 for one client.  They have 25 PCs and will be paying
for mostly Microsoft licenses.  Brad pointed out to me last night at the lab
session that $14,000 could pay for some Linux help since I don't feel way
way comfortable loading Linux servers myself.

I can't offer some big salary.  All I can offer is an hourly rate for
occasional projects, honesty, sharing fairly what does come in the door and,
hopefully, a lot of fun in the process.  I've added 4 or 5 new clients in
the past month and am realizing that I can't do it all.  My little ole pea
brain can't handle but so much.

Please feel free to contact me offline if you are interested.

I do have some requirements:
1. if you say you're going to be there at a certain time, be there.
2. don't go telling clients they suck because they have Windows 98 on their
3. be available when needed
4. have experience with servers for email, web proxy, printing, file sharing

No attitudes, please.


Since 1997

Jim Ray, MCSE
Network Engineer
Neuse River Network, Inc.
2610 Vanderbilt Ave
Raleigh NC 27607-7247
tel: 919-838-1672 x201 toll free: 800-617-7652

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