[TriLUG] DNS ( BIND 9 )

Aaron S. Joyner aaron at joyner.ws
Mon Jun 28 07:03:41 EDT 2004

Brian McCullough wrote:

>On Sun, Jun 27, 2004 at 11:15:02PM -0400, Jon Carnes wrote:
>>I'm running named on Open BSD v3.5. works like a charm.
>>What errors are you getting?
>That's the funny thing.  No errors, other than "Host not found".
You might want to post one of the zone files that results in host not 
found, and the output of: "dig -t any example.com @" to see if 
perhaps there's an error in your zone file.  You might also want to post 
what arguments named is being started with (I presume with OBSD it's 
being chrooted to /var/named/etc/named.conf, but it's better to be sure 
than presume).  You also want to make sure that your zone files are in 
/var/named/master/bdmcc-us.com (for example).  You're probably not 
getting any logging unless you have a syslog socket in 
/var/named/dev/syslog or somewhere else in the /var/named chroot'ed 
environment.  That's going to make it a lot harder to chase debugging 
output.  You can either add an entry to the logging section to print all 
the debugging to a file, or add a syslog pipe (my preferred solution) by 
adding an argument like: "-l /etc/named/dev/log" to syslogd.  That'll 
allow you to stick with the default logging output in BIND9 and you'll 
be in good shape (presuming you're chrooted, as discussed above).

Let us know how it turns out,
Aaron S. Joyner

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