[TriLUG] Cary Swapfest Planning

ALFRED JOHNSON alfjon at mindspring.com
Fri Jul 16 03:04:12 EDT 2004

Those frequencies sound safe. I was concerned because it's actually a 
fairly small space. Sounds like you're getting everything you need 
If you should need anything else, you should be able to find me easily. 
When are you going to set up-- Friday night or Sat. morning??--Al 
On Jul 15, 2004, at 1:46 AM, Tanner Lovelace wrote:

> ALFRED JOHNSON said the following on 7/15/04 12:56 AM:
>> Well, I don't have the vendor information. Will Harper K4IWW does 
>> have that information. I believe his phone no. is 467-0224, but I'm 
>> not certain. Will moved from the house he used to live in just up the 
>> street from my QTH  and I don't have his address. You can look his 
>> call sign up and if the address is 410 Knotts Valley in Cary that's 
>> the address of the telephone number I've given you. -- 73, Al  KQ4FP.
>> If you are planning to use the ham bands for a Linux demostration, we 
>> would appreciate knowing which frequencies you're going to use so 
>> that interference can be kept at a minimum.
>> On Jul 14, 2004, at 6:48 PM, Tanner Lovelace wrote:
> If we do manage to get something up and running, it will probably
> be something like APRS or packet, which iirc, have standard 
> frequencies.
> Cheers,
> Tanner
> -- 
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