[TriLUG] Any NAS recommendations: Linux & Windows in harmony

Glen Ford gford at idiom.com
Sun Jul 18 14:02:50 EDT 2004

John Franklin wrote:

> A few questions about your installation:
> 1. How much space will they need?


>   How many users will be connecting to it?


> 2. What OSes are the client machines running

Windows XP

> and what is the role of the client machines/users?

Running specialty app that crunches large amounts of data

>   What I'm looking for here is how intensive will their use of the NAS 
> boxes be?

Large amount of time with small updates and then large spikes in data 

>   Solutions for video editor's rendering farms will be different from 
> solutions for the secretarial pool.

This would be large specialized databases

> 3. Do they need backups?


>   What level of backups?

FULL snapshot.  I.E. copy all data to seprate NAS .

>   Weekly?  Daily?  Do you need to be able to snapshot the NAS box 
> every six hours?

Snap shot once a day and option for on demand snap shot

>   Is there a downtime where files aren't being actively modified when 
> a (potentially long) backup can occur?

Not sure. Need to talk to D/B folks about quescing

> 4. How critical is their availability/accessibility need?

Very, as in lots O'money depends on it.

>   That is, how important is it that the system not be down for a day.  
> Everyone says "critical", but there's a difference between "used while 
> tracking the 101st into Falujah" critical, "Air traffic controllers 
> are using this" critical, and "my dentist can't bill clients without 
> it" critical.
> I know, it'd be nice if it were all OS agnostic, but SMB is good for 
> Windows and NFS is good for *NIX.  There are NFS clients for Windows 
> and SMB clients for *NIX, but SMB was built targeting Windows and NFS 
> was built targeting *NIX.

Current solution is SMB. See no reason to change

> On Jul 17, 2004, at 1:37 PM, Glen Ford wrote:
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