[TriLUG] Apache 2 not recognizing index.html with mod_perl / RT

Jeremy Portzer jeremyp at pobox.com
Mon Jul 19 14:41:49 EDT 2004

Anyone ever had a problem with Apache 2 not recognizing the index.html
file?  I don't quite understand what's going on.  This is a stock
installation of httpd 2.0.40 (release 21.11 from Red Hat), with only a
couple of minor modifications to the configuration.

The directories in question all have an index.html file in them, yet
Apache returns a 403 Forbidden error, with this entry in the error_log :
Directory index forbidden by rule: /usr/local/rt/share/html/

This error message would make sense if there was no index.html.  But the
file exists, permissions are 755, everything looks to be kosher. 
Turning on directory indexes (Options +Indexes) in the configuration
works, and shows the index.html file there.  Then I can click on the
file and it displays properly.  But it won't display when I use the URL
just ending in a slash.

The default configuration entry for DirectoryIndex says this:
	DirectoryIndex index.html index.html.var
I tried removing the "index.html.var" portion just to be safe, and it
still yields the same behavior.

The only other configuration change I've made is to enable mod_perl
(this is for the Request Tracker app, RT).  This is done with the
following code per the RT documentation:

Alias /rt /usr/local/rt/share/html
PerlModule Apache::DBI
PerlRequire /usr/local/rt/bin/webmux.pl
<Location /rt>
    AddDefaultCharset UTF-8
    SetHandler perl-script
    PerlHandler RT::Mason

Any ideas how I can get index.html to work as expected?  BTW, this file
is indeed a Perl script, not really a static HTML file, but that should
be handled just fine by the "SetHandler perl-script" comment above, and
indeed it works fine if when refer to the index.html file explicitly.  

Thanks for any ideas.


| Jeremy Portzer        jeremyp at pobox.com      trilug.org/~jeremy     |
| GPG Fingerprint: 712D 77C7 AB2D 2130 989F  E135 6F9F F7BC CC1A 7B92 |
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