[TriLUG] Floppy Lag

Paul D. Boyle boyle at laue.chem.ncsu.edu
Tue Jul 20 13:43:24 EDT 2004

Marty wrote:
> It's how the file system on Linux works. 

> Linux doesn't sense much urgency to synching the disk.  If this bugs you,
> then use the synch option in /etc/fstab for your floppy drive,
> and Linux will emulate windows behavior.

Or, you can do something like this (assuming your floppy is mounted on

cp <file> /mnt/floppy;  sync

The 'sync' command forces changed blocks to be written to disk.  Although,
I have to agree that a 30-45 sec lag time for a deferred write is
unacceptable, and should be changed.


Paul D. Boyle			    |	boyle at laue.chem.ncsu.edu
Director, X-ray Structural Facility |	phone: (919) 515-7362
Department of Chemistry - Box 8204  |	FAX:   (919) 515-8909
North Carolina State University     |	http://www.xray.ncsu.edu  
Raleigh, NC, 27695-8204

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