[TriLUG] Out Of Office messages

Aaron S. Joyner aaron at joyner.ws
Fri Jul 30 16:34:30 EDT 2004

Okay, we've had a rash of recent "Out Of Office" auto-responder messages 
- 3 in 2 days.  Just as a friendly reminder, if you subscribe to the 
list, and you're thinking of going out of town... *DON'T*!

Or at least, if you go out of town, and would dare think of being 
_away_from_email_ *gasp* -- either:
1) temporarily suspend your messages to the list, which you can easily 
and conveniently do through the Mailman web interface located here: 
2) Configure your autoresponding procmail recipe or .forward script (or 
Outlook on Exchange, god forbid you) such that it won't auto-respond to 
the list address.

Because if you don't, the LART* will fly.

Aaron S. Joyner

* LART - Luser Attitude Readjustment Tool. *1.* n. In the collective 
mythos of scary devil monastery 
this is an essential item in the toolkit of every BOFH 
<http://info.astrian.net/jargon/terms/b/BOFH.html>. The LART classic is 
a 2x4 or other large billet of wood usable as a club, to be applied 
upside the head of spammers and other people who cause sysadmins more 
grief than just naturally goes with the job. Perennial debates rage on 
/alt.sysadmin.recovery/ over what constitutes the truly effective LART; 
knobkerries, semiautomatic weapons, flamethrowers, and tactical nukes 
all have their partisans. Compare clue-by-four 
<http://info.astrian.net/jargon/terms/c/clue-by-four.html>. *2.* v. To 
use a LART. Some would add "in malice", but some sysadmins do prefer to 
gently lart their users as a first (and sometimes final) warning. 
*3.* interj. Calling for one's LART, much as a surgeon might call 
"Scalpel!". *4.* interj. [rare] Used in flame 
<http://info.astrian.net/jargon/terms/f/flame.html>s as a rebuke. "LART! 

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