Mike Johnson
mike at enoch.org
Wed Aug 25 10:45:51 EDT 2004
John Turner [jdturner at nc.rr.com] wrote:
> So my advice apply for the job even if you DON"T have all the
> requirements. The worst that will happen is they will laugh at your
> resume, but you will never know that so it shouldn't be a big deal.
-Exactly-. I've plastered my resume all over the place, even for jobs I
barely qualify for. I've often received callbacks I did not expect. It
doesn't hurt -at all- to submit a resume.
But by all means, continue sitting there with your paying job taking pot
shots at job descriptions so that people start seeing TriLUG as a place
they -shouldn't- send job postings. It's much appreciated by the
unemployed amongst us.
"Spare me your space-age technobabble Atilla The Hun!" -- Zapp Brannigan
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