[TriLUG] Gmail for nonprofits

Liyun Yu yu at radonc.unc.edu
Wed Sep 1 16:39:42 EDT 2004

Matt Frye wrote:

>  I recently implemented a cheap, easy, and relatively "good" backup
>system using Gmail and Gmailfs at a nonprofit client.  I currently
>have 6 invites, which I am willing to give to any person who intends
>to do the same thing (or something like it).  The only condition is
>that you write a short case history kind-of-thing that explains how it
>was done, what it saves (people, time, money, etc) and who the
>nonprofit benefits.  Consider yourselves challenged.
>Matt Frye
Hi, Matt,

Let me face it for one.


Liyun Yu, Ph.D.
System Administrator
Dept of Radiation Oncology, UNC-CH
101 Manning Drive
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-7512
Office: (919) 966-7704 EXT 1
FAX:	(919) 966-7681

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