[TriLUG] Re: Windows Software Firewall Recommendations
Jeff Tickle
jtickle at jtsoft.net
Tue Sep 21 11:27:56 EDT 2004
Nah, that's one of those cases where the topic veers off topic and no
one notices until someone get offended. But that's okay, we all have
those sub-par days every now and then. Here's to hoping it improves!
On Tue, 2004-09-21 at 10:11, Aaron Caudle wrote:
> >
> >
> >On Mon, 2004-09-20 at 09:15, Brian Henning wrote:
> >>/ > >The real art of conversation is not only to say the right thing at the
> >/>/ > >right place but to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment."
> >/>/ > > --Dorothy Nevill
> >/>/ > >
> >/>/ > >
> >/>/ > Thanks for the good advice, Dave. I'm trying, but it's so tempting...
> >/>/ >
> >/>/
> >/>/ What has worked for me of late is to go ahead and type my ill-conceived
> >/>/ responses, then think again before clicking "Send." Usually the time it
> >/>/ takes me to type out my thoughts is enough time for the better-thinking half
> >/>/ to click "Close" instead of "Send"... That and enough times of already
> >/>/ mouthing off and being taken to task for it. (-:
> >/>/
> >/>/ Cheers,
> >/>/ ~B
> >/>/
> >/Wouldn't it be nice to have another list called:
> > illconcieved_thoughts at trilug.org <http://www.trilug.org/mailman/listinfo/trilug>
> >
> >We could finish typing those missives and then redirect them to the
> >appropriate channel. :-)
> >
> >Normally, I just pop into IRC and burn off steam there. Hopefully no one
> >archives that... and if they do, hopefully they haven't decoded my
> >"burn" identity.
> >
> >Jon Carnes
> >
> I don't know if I just missed the humor...so forgive me for looking
> completely stupid. I am guessing someone found it funny that I was
> using win2k boxes for an enterprise environment. Well, just to wash my
> hands clean, I have no control over this. I am just responsible for
> doing as much as I can to keep it safe.
> If that isn't what those responses are about, just ignore this
> comment...been a long morning and the possibility for me misinterpreting
> these comments is high. :(
> Sincerely,
> Aaron Caudle
> Netlert Communications/Softbase Systems
Jeff Tickle
Security and Digital Video Solutions
Nikken Independent Wellness Consultant
Probably some other stuff, too!
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