[TriLUG] TCP socket connections in Linux, gathering data from embedded device - - was WGET-LYNX??

Matthew Todd matthew.todd at alumni.duke.edu
Fri Sep 24 17:58:38 EDT 2004

On Fri, 2004-09-24 at 14:25, Turnpike Man wrote:
> I can go into the configuration of the device, set a remote IP and a
> remote port... if on that remote machine, I have a proggy listening on
> said TCP port, I can collect data and at that point, do with it what I
> want!... How to find out what this data looks like, then what to do
> with it, that's where I'm at.

netcat! (can also run in 'listening' mode)  :)

If you're aiming for the least amount of hassle, (which you don't
necessarily have to be, this is fun stuff!), I'd recommend running that
netcat client command I mentioned from cron every so often -- that way
you don't have to worry about writing a daemon that will stay alive
long-term, and you can focus on actually doing something with the data.

But I'll be quiet about netcat now. :)

> Is it right to feel excited that I "might" have my name on part of an
> open source development, no matter how small it may seem??


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