[TriLUG] Fwd: Safeco moves IT offshore

linux r linuxr at gmail.com
Thu Sep 30 13:30:42 EDT 2004

On Thu, 30 Sep 2004 12:54:29 -0400, Mike M
<no-linux-support at earthlink.net> wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 30, 2004 at 08:32:21AM -0400, Jim Ray wrote:
> > All service jobs can be outsourced
> >
> > [JR>] I'd like to see someone remotely move a monitor or string cable :-)
> SmartSource the person needing said monitor or cable.  Relocate position
> within geographic area of influence.
> Or, tell person to move monitor or cable themselves or risk being
> SmartSourced.
> Or, tell person to telecommute so moving monitor or cable is no longer
> company's responsibility.
> (Heh. That was fun. :-)
> --
> Mike
> Moving forward in pushing back the envelope of the corporate paradigm.
> --
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For months I have been involved with the Rescue American Jobs
Foundation which is indeed trying to organize people against this. 
The problem is that there is just as much 'junk science' supposedly
supporting the Great American Job Giveaway, than there is actual
empirical evidence on our side.  FYI, there are 4 main (but
differrent) issues - insourcing, outsourcing, offshoring, and
nearshoring.  [For the cabling, they will just bring in illegals,
prisoners, or kids to do that work (insourcing) and pay them $5/hr.  ]

Check out rescueamericanjobs.org.  There are local chapters forming
everywhere and gaining momentum last I checked.  Also there was a
recent book called 'IT Outsourcing: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly',
it was right there with the IT books when I bought my RHCE book!  It
tells a lot of the unheard information.  Matloff is awesome of course.
 And Lou Dobbs (CNN) has a new book out too on the subject.

But you are right.  Tech people are incredibly difficult to organize. 
No one wants to follow, tech people would just as soon throw their on
website together and that is what has happened.  A lot of small
websites and not much else to resist the brain drain.  RAJF has led
the pack on this issue, and is not a bunch of wackos, just caring
decent people for the most part.  Email me offlist if you guys want to
continue this discussion.  Sorry for the offtopic diatribe...as
someone who has been affected by this issue personally I can no longer
keep quiet.

God Bless America

Orlandough FloriDUH

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