[TriLUG] OT: Home Depot and Cat 5

Aaron S. Joyner aaron at joyner.ws
Tue Oct 5 12:55:58 EDT 2004

Joseph Mack wrote:

>... For distances further than 100m, I use a hub/switch/something to reform the packets and send them on 
>their way again.
Do note that a traditional, old school, hub does not "reform" the 
packets in the manner that you're attempting to do, to extend an 
Ethernet segment.  You need to use a switch in that situation.  The 
basic problem with a segment over 100m is not signal strength (usually), 
it's timing.  Sometimes it's signal attenuation (i.e. voltage drop on 
the line from one end to the other), and a hub would help with that, but 
it's best to kill two birds with one stone, and use a switch.

Aaron S. Joyner

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