[TriLUG] On Topic - trusted computing vs Linux usability (was OT : Don't let Cheney hide)

Tanner Lovelace clubjuggler at gmail.com
Thu Oct 7 14:30:35 EDT 2004

On Thu, 7 Oct 2004 14:09:28 -0400, Mike M
<no-linux-support at earthlink.net> wrote:
> Did you say bullshit?  :-)

Yes, but in a much more classy way.
> Given that TriLUG is incorporated as a 501(c)3 educational non-profit
> that may not have purposes or activities that are illegal or violate
> fundamental public policy, I would think that running a public
> discussion forum and suppressing OT posts might be unwise.
> http://www.irs.gov/charities/charitable/article/0,,id=123299,00.html
> The public does have a right to expect certain things from 501(c)(3)
> organizations because they are tax-exempt.

Nothing on that website says we as a private organization, even a 
501c3 one, have to let you say whatever you want with our
resources.  The 1st ammendment, which you cited before,
doesn't cover us at all.  It ONLY refers to government, which
we are not.
> Hacking and posting are not the same thing.  Hacking is illegal.
> Posting on an open list is protected by the First Amendment.

No, it is not.  You're welcome to say whatever you want, but that
doesn't mean we HAVE to let you use our resources to do so.
If you want to setup your own list to say stuff, go right ahead.
The first ammendment does NOT cover any private entities.

> I agree this is not an appropriate forum for
> general political discussion.  The point is that you cannot stop
> someone from making OT statements in an open forum.  You can
> ignore them and you can disuade them but you cannot stop them.
> Anyone that has read extensively on Linux and FOSS understands
> that there are political issues surrounding these topics.  Related
> political issues naturally lead to general political issues.

No, they don't.  If you want to talk about linux/FOSS and politics
related to that, fine, go ahead.  But, general political talk is not
appropriate for this list and will not be tolerated anymore.
> 2004-11-02 will come and go and we'll be done with politics for the
> time being.

Oh, so we should let the list go to hell in a handbasket for just the
next three weeks and then things will get better?  I don't think so.
Something else would always come along.


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