[TriLUG] OT: UPS on Cablemodem -- was m0n0wall -- was OT: tracking software.

Bill Vinson billvinson at gmail.com
Sat Oct 30 12:51:10 EDT 2004

I haven't lost signal during a power outage that I know of, but during
the last big ice storm I was without power for 5 days (pre-generator)
and I have no idea what my cable modem was doing. Might have been okay
as the whole rest of Holly Springs had power except my damn
subdivision :)


On Sat, 30 Oct 2004 12:07:25 -0400, Jeff Groves <jgroves at krenim.org> wrote:
> Bill Vinson wrote:
> >I don't
> > plan on spending another snowstorm without internet access unless my
> > cable modem loses its signal ;)
> I put my cable modem and router on UPS power for the same reason, but I've noticed that, at
> least here in downtown Raleigh, that when we lose power we also lose cable modem service.
> There is no delay at all in the loss of service.  Apparently, TimeWarner hasn't made the
> infrastructure investment to include UPS power in their facilities in my area (Boylan
> Heights). :-(
> Jeff G.

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