[TriLUG] anandtech article and Xbox
Kevin Flanagan
kevin at flanagannc.net
Fri Nov 12 08:27:42 EST 2004
I have a modded Xbox, a friend did the work for me, but it was pretty
easy. I'm running EvoX, that really becomes a front end for the normal
Xbox functions as well as other stuff such as Mplayer. If you want a
true Linux distro this isn't it, it's a Linux boot front end and menu
system for a few programs. I believe that once the mod is done you can
install what you want though.
Solder across 2 sets of points
Flash the BIOS
Ready to go
We used a special saved game from 007, I don't have all of the details
handy, but can get them. I also have access to the tools and software
necessary, on a loan basis from a friend. I suppose that it'd be
possible to copy the saved game to another fob, and copy the DVD with
EvoX, I don't know about the original 007 game though.
If your goal is to use the Xbox as a game and media player, with
enhanced capabilities, this will do. If your goal is to use it as a
general purpose computer it won't.
On Thu, 2004-11-11 at 14:39 -0500, Rock Roskam wrote:
> I have been playing with my xbox this week to get Xebian installed without the hardware chip. Have any trilug folks been able to this or have a memory stick with the Mechassault saved game hack that I could borrow? The xbox does not seem to like my sansdisk usb key.
> Rock Roskam
> -----Original Message-----
> From: trilug-bounces at trilug.org [mailto:trilug-bounces at trilug.org] On Behalf Of Jason Tower
> Sent: Thursday, November 11, 2004 2:36 PM
> To: trilug at trilug.org
> Subject: [TriLUG] anandtech article
> getting linux running on the xbox...
> http://www.anandtech.com/linux/showdoc.aspx?i=2271
> the only reason i bring this up is that the author of the article (kris
> kubicki) is scheduled to speak at the december trilug meeting. in addition to this one, kris has written many articles for anandtech that focus on linux.
> for those of you who don't know, www.anandtech.com is one of the better hardware sites on the net, they have consistently post thorough, well written, no-BS articles on their site. and they are one of the very few that mention linux to any significant degree, they even have a dedicated linux section on their site. the guy who started the site (anand shimpi) is a NCSU alumni and raleigh resident, as are several of the anandtech staffers. kris actually lives in chicago but agreed to fly to raleigh to speak to trilug (and you thought *you* had a long drive to RTI).
> jason
> --
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Kevin Flanagan <kevin at flanagannc.net>
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