[TriLUG] Steering Committee Election

Tanner Lovelace clubjuggler at gmail.com
Fri Nov 12 13:07:10 EST 2004

Greetings everyone,

As you might remember, Jeremy Portzer leaves today for
perceived greener pastures out of state and because of that
we had a special election to fill his spot on the steering
committee last night.  The candidates, John Broome and
Dave Matusiak,  were both excellent choices and that was
reflected in the vote count, which was very close (within
3 votes of each other).  I am pleased, though, to introduce
the newest member of the TriLUG Steering Committee is ...

Dave Matusiak

The current slate of officer positions has been modified
as such:

Chair: Tanner Lovelace
Vice-Chair: Dave Matusiak
Treasurer: Jason Tower
Public Relations: Joseph Tate
System Administrator: Aaron Joyner

Thanks to everyone that voted last night and to both our
candidates.  Also, please note that the next regular election
for Steering Commitee will be next May.  While all positions
will be up for reelection, there will be at least one open
position available since I will be retiring after 3 years and
not running for reelection.

So, if there's something you'd like to do/see happen/help out
with, don't wait until the next election.  Send a message
to the steering committee at steering at trilug dot org or
just post a message to the main list.  We are a volunteer
run organization and if there's something you want to run
with, we won't get in your way. :-)

Tanner Lovelace
TriLUG Chair

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