[TriLUG] Dieing hard drive?

Lance A. Brown lance at bearcircle.net
Tue Nov 30 00:37:33 EST 2004

OK.  After upgrading my desktop to Fedora Core 3, the smartd daemon
started spewing all kinds of interesting errors.  It appears my 120GB
Maxtor drive may be on the way out.  Damned thing went out of warranty
about 2 months ago and I haven't even filled it yet.

How many sectors should generate read failures during a long selftest?
I'm up past 25 and counting at this point.  I'm following the BadBlock
Howto to get them out of the way in the hopes the drive will settle down
and be good for a while.

Every time I re-run the selftest it just coughs up another read failure
on a new sector.

Time to start shopping for a disk deal?

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