[TriLUG] wireless email client

David Rasch rasch at raschnet.com
Mon Dec 13 13:32:11 EST 2004

On Mon, Dec 13, 2004 at 12:33:54PM -0500, Jason Tower <jason at cerient.net> wrote:
> i have a client who wants to purchase a blackberry or treo to use with 
> their email system, which runs on their linux server (postfix and 
> courier-imap).  does anyone have first-hand experience with this kind 
> of setup?  do those units have good imap and smtp-auth support?  
> they're already using server-side email with an imap client (lookout) 
> in the office and squirrelmail on the outside.

We have a client using a blackberry with our Courier-POP server.  I
think that the outgoing is done through a separate SMTP relay, as I
don't remember this being an issue.  The pop3 is setup in a "leave mail
on server" profile, so that the mail also gets downloaded to a
traditional email client, and would also work fine with IMAP as you've

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