[TriLUG] Greylisting (Re: posting)

Lance A. Brown lance at bearcircle.net
Thu Dec 16 11:29:06 EST 2004

Beware that there are *LARGE* ISPs that don't get along well with 
greylisting.  YahooGroups.com, for example, does not tolerate a temporary 
failure at all. :-(  Severely broken behaviour, but if you are supporting 
using behind a greylisted SMTP server, you need to take it into account.

Greylisting.org has a whitelist page 
(http://greylisting.org/whitelisting.shtml) detailing the known misbehaving 
sites that you can use to create whitelist rules in your particular 
greylisting implementation.

I have found greylisting to be very effective at stopping spam, especially 
spam delivered via zombie-bot-nets.


  Celebrate The Circle: http://www.celebratethecircle.org/
  Carolina Spirit Quest:  http://www.carolinaspiritquest.org/
  My LiveJournal: http://www.livejournal.com/users/labrown/
  GPG Fingerprint: 409B A409 A38D 92BF 15D9 6EEE 9A82 F2AC 69AC 07B9

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