[TriLUG] Port Knocking Alternatives?
Rick DeNatale
rick.denatale at gmail.com
Fri Feb 4 10:05:01 EST 2005
I've been thinking about ways to keep ports like ssh closed to the
internet until I need them.
Port knocking seems to be a popular technique but I'm not sure that
that's what I want. For one thing it won't work if the incoming
client is behind a firewall which blocks outgoing traffic on one or
more of the knock ports.
So I was thinking of something like a cgi on my webserver which I
could talk to via ssl. This could accept a passphrase and alter the
firewall rules to open up another port for the client's ip address,
perhaps for some time period, or whatever policy I wanted to apply.
Is anyone aware of anything which does this or something similar?
Another nice thing to support might be, under client request, instead
of opening up port 22 for sshd, redirect port 443 to 22 for that
client in order to let ssh tunnel through a firewall which allows
outgoing https but not ssh,
I've also thought of setting up a "fake" sshd, which would make
intruders "think" that they had gotten in, only to get a "MOTD" which
said something like:
Thank you for participating in the NSAs cyber-hacker registration program.
We have noted your information and entered it into our target database.
Retaliation will be performed at a random time, under the authority of
the US Patriot Act.
Have a great day!
and then they would be disconnected.
I think that this could be done with iptables and a small bit of programming.
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