[TriLUG] SCSI Devices in "RedHat-like" environments
Brian McCullough
bdmc at bdmcc-us.com
Fri Feb 11 17:27:26 EST 2005
Hi, All.
This may be too late for some of you, but I'll see who is reading this
evening and weekend.
I have been running Debian and Debian-like distributions for some time
now, with probably a version 6.x or so being the last Red Hat that I was
familiar with. I also have had TurboLinux in one of my machines, that
happens to have a SCSI card and tape drive.
Recently, I upgraded the TurboLinux to a more RedHat-like system,
with a 2.6.8 kernel. All of a sudden, no more SCSI of any type! Since
I don't have any real problems with compiling kernels, I got a "virgin"
2.6.10 source, made sure that SCSI, tape and my particular card were
included, and compiled.
OK, so far so good. I reboot, and after the system has started, Kudzu
comes up and says that it has found my SCSI card. I say fine, go ahead
and configure it, and things seem happy. I reboot again, and dmesg
says, just as in the Turbo days, that it has found a SCSI card and Tape
Drive and it is being assigned to /dev/st0 !
However, and here is where the story gets a bit unhappy -- I don't seem
to be able to make use of that device in any way. mt /dev/st0 rewind,
says something like "no such device", tar says the same thing, there is
nothing in /proc/scsi. ????
Anybody have any bright ideas regarding the step that I have missed. It
has been a Looooong time since I set up that tape drive, so I am very
willing to believe that there is something critical that I have missed.
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