[TriLUG] help! IPsec VPN over SSH?

gregbrown at mindspring.com gregbrown at mindspring.com
Fri Feb 25 10:00:15 EST 2005

Hey all.  I've been traveling quite a bit and I have a need to some serious tunnel action.  The breakdown is this:  the company I am working for issues Win2k laptops with the Cisco IPSec client.  The client where I travel to (for my company) does not allow IPSec outbound connections (and no amount of reasoning is going to get them to allow it - don't even go there, it's a road well travelled and it's not going to happen.. oh well).

But, the client DOES allow SSH outbound I can access my home server from this location.  So.. the question becomes it is possible to tunnel IPSec over SSH?  Kind of like a IPSec-Squid proxy thing?  Has anyone ever done this?  Is it even possible?  Has anyone ever accomplised this and, if so, how?


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