[TriLUG] Roll your own RSS reader
Ian Meyer
ianmeyer at mac.com
Wed Mar 9 15:04:31 EST 2005
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You don't even need direct SMS support in the reader, if it can just
email you updates, you can usually use that to send to your phone. For
example, my AT&T (soon to be SunCom) service takes emails sent to
919637xxxx at mobile.att.net (or something like that) and sends them as
SMSs to my phone.
- --
Ian Meyer - ianmeyer at mac.com, ianmeyer at gmail.com
GPG Key ID: B779F2D4
Fingerprint: FF2D F47B DCEB 4434 7DFF 9078 F857 DFC4 B779 F2D4
Wait a minute, Doc. Ah... Are you telling me you built a time
machine... out of a DeLorean? - The way I see it, if you're gonna
build a time machine into a car, why not do it with some style?
- --
On Mar 9, 2005, at 12:56 PM, Brian Henning wrote:
> Hi List,
> I've just recently upgraded my cellular service to one that actually
> functions nearly fully in all the areas I typically inhabit (yay!), so
> now I'm looking to make the most of my newfound (or rather, newly
> recovered) connectivity. Namely, I'd like to be able to subscribe to
> an RSS feed and have its updates sent to me via SMS.
> This ought to be simple. All I need is a reader that can send the
> updates to an e-mail address. I just don't know beans about RSS.
> There's a web site, I forget the address, that offers this sort of
> thing as a paid-for service (something about SMS network fees), but I
> don't want to pay for something I can rig for free.
> So how difficult would it be to build something like this? It seems
> to me that it's really, in principle, little more than a repeater.
> "Listen to this, and when something happens, send it here." Are there
> already projects to do just that? Anyone working on just such a
> thing?
> I know this is a particularly open-ended question, and so I welcome
> all sorts of comments, and I thank you all for your input.
> Cheers,
> ~Brian
> --
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