[TriLUG] Linksys advice
Brian Daniels
bitmage at bellsouth.net
Wed Mar 9 15:17:59 EST 2005
On Wed, Mar 09, 2005 at 02:49:02PM -0500, sholton at mindspring.com wrote:
> William Sutton <william at trilug.org> wrote:
> > My understanding is that the
> > later Linksys NAT routers try to query dynamic dns sites periodically to
> > see if they have a domain they should be attached to (dyndns.org has some
> > info on this; basically a bunch of Linksys routers caused them a DDoS by
> > querying the wrong (hard coded) dns server).
> DynamicDNS is an option on the Linksys, but it's disabled. But
> perhaps it's a NTP lookup?
> Time to setup an Ethereal box...grrrrrr.
NTP timesetting maybe? I know there were some issue a while back with Netgear
boxen effectively creating a ddos because of this 'feature':
Question with boldness even the existence of a god;
because if there be one he must approve of the
homage of reason more than that of blindfolded fear.
--Thomas Jefferson, Aug. 10, 1787
Brian Daniels bitmage at bellsouth.net
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