[TriLUG] Looking for Calendar Server

Rick DeNatale rick.denatale at gmail.com
Wed Mar 16 11:58:45 EST 2005

Putting the family calendar on the home lan is bubbling up to the top
of my personal IT project list.

I'm looking for suggestions for a decent open-source calendar web
server, preferably one which uses either mysql or the file system for
storage, but that's not an absolute necessity.  Another good thing
would be if it used Apache, although I suspect that won't be a

ISTR that I ran across something a few months ago, but I can't
remember the name of the project, also IIRC it used postgres.  I'd
prefer mysql since that's what I'm now using for a few other things,
but it's not a showstopper, just one more thing to lean enough about
to become dangerous.

I also played around a bit with the calendar plug-in for Squirelmail,
but it seemed to be pretty immature, and wasn't getting too much
attention by the developers.

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