[TriLUG] mythtv ramblings and a questions about december mythtv presentation

William Sutton william at trilug.org
Mon Mar 21 11:43:03 EST 2005


It was mentioned that the 500 card has dual tuners.  Does this mean that 
it can split a single coax signal into something individually tunable 
signals (e.g., for PIP)?


On Mon, 21 Mar 2005, Ken Mink wrote:

> I just finished building a MythTV box a couple of months ago. I'm now
> using it full time. I'm very happ with it and rarely switch over to my
> TiVo.
> I'm using a 2600 Barton processor(overkill) and 512MB RAM. I bought a
> Samsung SP160N HD. The Samsung drives are QUIET. I mean I thought the
> drive was DOA when I installed it because I couldn't even hear it spin
> up. The motherboard is an ASUS A7N8X-VM/400. I'm using it's built-in
> Geforce4 w/tv-out and it's built-in sound. I'm also using a Hauppauge
> PVR-250 as a tuner.
> I went with FC3 as a base and used the ATRPMS repostitory for the myth
> installation. There's a great how-to for installing MythTV on FC. As
> long as you read and follow it carefully, you'll have MythTV up and
> running in no time.
> As for your question about the PVR-250 vs 350. The 350 has it's own
> tv-out capabilities. This includes a built-in mpeg decode. Both cards
> have encoders. The theory is that with a 350, the card does both the
> encoding and decoding and your cpu doesn't have to get involved. From
> what I've read, the 350's tv-out can be a pain to configure. On the
> myth-users list, I see a lot of people that have 350s, but don't use
> it's output capabilities.
> Good Luck,
> Ken
> On Sun, 20 Mar 2005 11:50:02 -0500, Myrhillion <lug at blackwizard.net> wrote:
> > Hello,
> > 
> > I have recently gotten interested in building a mythtv box.
> > I checked my trilug messages and found there was a meeting in December
> > which featured mythtv.
> > Drats, I've missed my opportunity.
> > 
> > Does anyone know if the presentation is available online somewhere?
> > I'd like to discuss what people have for hardware too.
> > 
> > Here is the basic machine I'm considering.
> > 
> > I'm considering recycling an athlon duron 800 with 512 mb ram.
> > I'm thinking gentoo or a debian based distro like ubuntu for the OS.
> > The machine by itself would be too slow so,  I'm going to buy a tv card,
> > probably a hauppage (sp?) wintv 250 or 350.
> > Has anyone seen any benefit of the 350 over the 250 in practice?
> >     Any other tv tuners people have been impressed with to use for this
> > purpose?
> > I'll be adding a larger hard drive, probably 200gb range.
> > A wireless nic so I can save some of the shows I want to keep to a
> > larger file server and to grab the xmltv feed.
> > This will also make it simple to keep downstairs with the stereo tv etc..
> > 
> > Doug Taggart
> > 
> > --
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