[TriLUG] OT: maps.google.com satellite maps
Aaron S. Joyner
aaron at joyner.ws
Wed Apr 6 07:18:38 EDT 2005
David A. Cafaro wrote:
>Actually if you look close to the top of the White House, it has been
>digitally altered as well. Also both executive office building next to
>the WhiteHouse. Guess they are hiding the anti-missile/aircraft systems
>:-). (big clue, no AC or other type systems on top). Odd that they
>pixalated the entire area around congress.
The Pentagon is also unaltered, you can make out such things as air
handlers and various roof materials, with some small degree of clarity.
As for the White House, I to thought at first glance that it had been
altered, but I think that's just what the top of the building looks
like. If you look at the TerraServer image of the same location [1],
you'll see that it looks very much the same, and provides a higher res
image (or at least oversamples it). You may also note that the
east-ward shadow cast by the main part of the building onto the east
wing matches up with all of the other small shadows cast by the white
borders. If it were digitally altered, someone really took their time.
And judging from the capitol building... they were just going quick and
dirty. :)
Aaron S. Joyner
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