[TriLUG] Re: clustering or server mirroring

Lance A. Brown lance at bearcircle.net
Tue Apr 19 10:35:20 EDT 2005

I've had a very good experience using UltraMonkey to run a HA and LB web
farm.  They just came out with a new version that no longer requires custom
kernels for modern linux distros.  www.ultramonkey.org.

I store all the web content on a NetApp and NFS mount it to the web
servers.  httpd configs are generated and rsynced from a master server to
each web server using Makefiles.


 Celebrate The Circle: http://www.celebratethecircle.org/
 Carolina Spirit Quest:  http://www.carolinaspiritquest.org/
 My LiveJournal: http://www.livejournal.com/users/labrown/
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