[TriLUG] Sys-Con - LinuxWorld Owner figures ad homminemattacksare ok
dave at matusiak.org
Fri May 20 15:24:12 EDT 2005
Uhh... can anyone sum up (preferably in 20 words or less) exactly what
the fuss is all about? Did someone call linux "bad"??
On May 20, 2005, at 3:18 PM, Mark R. Hinkle wrote:
> Tanner,
> I tendered my resignation last week and when the group publisher,
> Jeremy
> Geelan, returned he asked that I help with the handoff. Jeremy is an
> excellent guy and was on vacation when this situation came to a head.
> He
> helped straighten out the mess as best it could be at that point. I
> agreed
> to help him with the hand off since not only did I feel that the
> offensive
> articles would be and have been removed as well as Sys-Con is coming to
> grips with some poor decisions. I also didn't think it was fair to the
> 35,000+ LinuxWorld Magazine readers they had just to leave the
> magazine in a
> lurch. I also have been involved with this magazine for three years so
> hand
> off in a way that felt responsible is not a short process. I have
> stories
> and contacts that I have made personal commitments to that I couldn't
> in
> good conscience just walk away from.
> It's very sad the way the LinuxWorld Magazine saga played out. I think
> that
> many of the readers rely on LWM as a way to find out about Linux
> especially
> in a venue that focuses more on the business and implementation
> aspects and
> less on the technical aspects of Linux and Open Source. I would prefer
> to
> have them start of in a good direction rather than let something even
> worse
> spring up in the void the departing editors left (all who are friends
> of
> mine which makes things even more difficult). I personally think it
> will in
> the long term be a good thing for the publisher because the CEO got a
> wake
> up call to the practices that were and are unacceptable.
> So my status is "acting" Editor in Chief but I am not sure how long I
> will
> continue in that role. I feel that at the very least you should never
> leave
> anything in worse shape than you left it and that is what I am doing
> now.
> Regards,
> Mark R. Hinkle
> Editor in Chief
> LinuxWorld Magazine
> http://www.linuxworld.com
> Blog: http://mark.linuxworld.com
> -----Original Message-----
> On 5/10/05, Mark R. Hinkle <mrhinkle at mindspring.com> wrote:
>> There's a little more information at http://turner.linuxworld.com. I
>> personally am not a fan of giving any more propagation of Maureen
>> O'Gara's
>> work than I have to so if you want you can Google to find out what
>> she's all about.
> So, Mark, care to make any comment on
> http://turner.blog-city.com/read/1278212.htm ?
> Based on that, I assume you're no longer "Editor in Chief"?
> If so, then bravo for sticking up for ethical journalism.
> Cheers,
> Tanner
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