[TriLUG] Sys-Con - LinuxWorld Owner figures ad homminemattacksare ok

Steve Holton sholton at mindspring.com
Sat May 21 15:42:34 EDT 2005

On May 20, 2005, at 3:24 PM, matusiak wrote:

> Uhh...  can anyone sum up (preferably in 20 words or less) exactly 
> what the fuss is all about?  Did someone call linux "bad"??

I only get 20 words? uh. okay....

Maureen O'Gara's wrote an article disclosing someone's personal 
information. SYS-CON
bypassed editors, publishing anyway. Readers got upset, complained. 
Editors resigned.

Because O'Gara writes about (among other things) technology, it's no 
surprise that
the person attacked was a technology person. And thus no surprise it 
was a person
from the Linux community. And thus no surprise that some in the Linux 
were among those  who got upset. There are people on all sides who 
think the
actions were appropriate, and those who think they weren't.

This exact sort of thing (writer produces inappropriate product, owner 
has it
published for personal reasons, people recognize it as biased, complain.
editors get upset over being cut out-of the loop and resign) happens 
all the
time; it's not always about Linux, or even about technology.

It's not about someone calling linux bad or anything. Perhaps you need 
get out more often? ;-)

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