[TriLUG] Music Files (and a small rant)

Ian Meyer ianmeyer at gmail.com
Wed May 25 09:44:56 EDT 2005

Hash: SHA1

Now we see yet another example of how the recording industry has  
pulled one over on even the above-average consumer.

Now a series of in-line replies:

On May 25, 2005, at 8:59 AM, William Sutton wrote:

> On a related note, if the average CD costs $15 and has 15 tracks,  
> that's
> $1/song if bought legit.

*If* it cost that. And I really wanted all the tracks and valued them  
equally. Maybe I don't really care for $BAND, but I rather like that  
catchy tune from a commercial I saw on tv, I end up paying basically  
$20 for one song.

> Do you all really think the artists would
> appreciate being gypped that $4500 to begin with?

Do you really think the artists get more than a few pennies from  
every album sale?

> Not to bring religion into this, but sometimes the Christian Golden  
> Rule
> has universal application:  Do unto others as you would have them  
> do unto
> you.  If you're happy with someone taking the fruits of your labor for
> free without consulting your opinion....

Now, I don't claim to speak for anyone else, but a few months ago, I  
had a bit of fun riding the crest of a small wave of internet  
popularity with my Copyleft designs (http://frijole.info/copyleft).  
See what it says at the bottom? "Take it, share it, edit it, don't  
(c) derivative works, and have fun." Someone turned around and made  
shirts, yellow-on-red, with a verbatim copy of the design. He made  
what to me would be a non-trivial bit of change. Does it upset me?  
No. Did it hurt me that he made money from it? No. Am I happy that  
there are thousands of people wearing a shirt with *my* design on it?  

My $0.02,
~ian (now with asbestos underwear!)

- --
Ian Meyer  - ianmeyer at mac.com, ianmeyer at gmail.com

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     Fingerprint: FF2D F47B DCEB 4434 7DFF 9078 F857 DFC4 B779 F2D4

- - Wait a minute, Doc. Ah... Are you telling me you built a time  
machine... out of a DeLorean?
- - The way I see it, if you're gonna build a time machine into a car,  
why not do it with some style?
- --

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