[TriLUG] Linksys questions...

Randall Barlow rpbarlow at eos.ncsu.edu
Thu May 26 18:36:47 EDT 2005

Jason Faulkner wrote:

>Does that mean a drop-in .bin is not supplied?
I was directed to http://openwrt.org/downloads/snapshots/ by the
installation guide, which has an OBSOLETE directory and a text file that
says to use the experimental if you have a newer router.  I actually
have an older router, but the file seemed to indicate that I should use
the experimental either way (I'm actually a little unclear).  Plus, who
wants to use something in a folder labeled "OBSOLETE?"  So I went and
got the experimental source and started compiling it, and it's still

I will probably have a lot of networking questions for all you
TriLUGgers later on when I try to start setting up this thing.  I want
to use it to bridge (I think that's the right term...) my router and my
roommate's wirelessly.  I.e., he has "the Internet", and I want to get
it with any computer plugged into the ports of my WRT54G.  I had it
working in Alchemy, kinda.  Actually, that's how I'm going to send this
e-mail.  I did the client thing.  The problem is that I can't access
this computer from outside of this router, which isn't what I want since
I use it for a lot of file sharing (locally only...) and printer sharing
(and ssh).  So I would rather have my router be transparent in the
network, i.e., as if this computer were really on the router that has
"the Internet".  Anyone know specifically how to set this up in
OpenWRT?  I got some brief ideas based on message boards and some brief
notes in documentation.  But so far I haven't found a good howto for
this specific setup...


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