[TriLUG] OT: SGI Indigo2 for trade/free

Aaron S. Joyner aaron at joyner.ws
Fri May 27 19:55:17 EDT 2005

Ian Kilgore wrote:

> Right, I've had this on my hands for a while now, and after a fair
> amount of trying to get Linux on it, I'd like to hand it over to someone
> more experienced than me to play with.  Preferably trade for something,
> but I'm willing to give it away if nobody has anything cool that they
> don't want =].  I'll be gone this week, but if you contact me offlist
> (ian at trilug.org) I'll get back to you on Monday/Tuesday, barring
> unexpected detainment by small furry people, or their slightly larger
> (but equally furry) relations.

You won't have any luck getting Linux on an Indigo2.  There are specific
problems with the processor and the implementation of the Indigo2
platform that no one has bothered to overcome to get Linux to run on
it.  This is of course, as of the last time I checked, which was about 6
months ago.

On the other hand, I do have three (3) Indigo2s myself, which I have
IRIX 6.5 up and running on, having done tftpboot / nfs installs to get
them going (as none of them have CDROMs, and I couldn't get the Sun SCSI
cdrom I had to work correctly, and standard CDROMs flat don't work).  If
anyone needs assistance in getting IRIX up and working on such a beast,
let me know, and I'll be glad to give you the leg up description.  Kudoz
go to John Beimler for assistance in acquiring the necessary 0s and 1s
on round plastic.  With IRIX running you can compile most software you'd
want to run (at least that's my understanding, I haven't really had time
to tinker with it yet).

Aaron S. Joyner

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