[TriLUG] Linux Filesystems Comparison

Tanner Lovelace clubjuggler at gmail.com
Thu Jun 30 16:07:57 EDT 2005

I've used XFS for several years ago on Linux (and more years before
that on SGI) and the only problems I've ever had have been hardware
related.  XFS is a much better designed filesystem than ext3.  Note,
btw, though, that you'll probably only see large speed gains with
XFS is you're dealing with very large files (which is what it was
originally designed for).

The only drawback I've found with XFS is that lately I've been
interested in testing out other free OSes (various BSDs, etc...)
and XFS isn't supported on them so it's much harder for me to
use my desktop system and dual boot.


On 6/30/05, Shane O'Donnell <shaneodonnell at gmail.com> wrote:
> Some casual secondary research seems to indicate that of the more common
> Linux journaling filesystems:
> - XFS is incrementally faster than ext3
> - ext3 is notably faster than Reiser
> Does anyone on list have any practical experience with either benchmarking
> them (and if so, what was your application to benchmark them?) or have any
> hands-on commentary about any stability differences or other potential
> drawbacks of using XFS over ext3?
> I've got no experience with XFS, but in my estimation, if it works, it
> should be pretty transparent. In my estimation, if you notice your
> filesystem, something's amiss...
> Feedback is appreciated. Thanks in advance --
> Shane O.
> ========
> Shane O'Donnell
> shaneodonnell at gmail.com
> ====================
> --
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Tanner Lovelace
clubjuggler at gmail dot com
(fieldless) In fess two roundels in pale, a billet fesswise and an
increscent, all sable.

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