[TriLUG] mod_auth_somethingorother

Brian Henning brian at strutmasters.com
Thu Jul 14 09:06:31 EDT 2005

Hi List,
   From a previous employment, I recall an apache module (I think) 
called mod_auth_pl, or mod_auth_perl, or some such.  I also remember the 
website I was working on for that job having a login widget on the page 
that took the place of the default browser pop-up authentication dialog, 
but still managed (iirc) to interact with the apache authentication 
model (i.e. I don't remember there being any fancy footwork other than 
.htaccess files to control access, still used Basic auth, but used the 
page's widget instead of the browser's pop-up).

I really want to do that for some web pages here.  Have a default login 
page, instead of having the browser pop up the auth dialog.  Am I 
remembering poorly, or is that easy to do?  I still want my PHP scripts 
to be able to use things like $_SERVER["REMOTE_USER"] and such.

Thanks for the advice, folks!


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