[TriLUG] Commercial Linux Support in NYC

Tarus Balog tarus at opennms.com
Fri Jul 15 15:00:27 EDT 2005


I have an old client who called me out of the blue. He is looking to  
outsource the management of a bunch (1000) linux servers in New York  
City. In his words:

"$BIG_COMPANY is looking for Linux service vendor could provide  
production 24x7 support, which including call center personnel, field  
engineers, support engineers and backline/kernel engineers."

I'm not sure what all this means, but I thought I'd ask here to see  
if anyone has dealt with a company they would recommend.

Replies off-list, I would assume.


Tarus Balog
The OpenNMS Group, Inc.
Main  : +1 919 545 2553   Fax:   +1 503-961-7746
Direct: +1 919 647 4749   Skype: tarusb
Key Fingerprint: 8945 8521 9771 FEC9 5481  512B FECA 11D2 FD82 B45C

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