[TriLUG] Router Thoughts

Warren Weber wrweber at hufta.net
Thu Jul 21 23:53:13 EDT 2005

I am in the process of moving off my current ISP (an IDSL connection -- don't laugh, 
it's all we could get until recently!) to my new one (on an ADSL connection).  Based 
on recommendations, I am replaced my Netopia 3100 with a Linksys BEFSR81.  
Unfortunately, the Linksys is a bit too simple for my needs -- I can only expose one 
system to the Internet (I want to have a couple of servers exposed to varying 
degrees) and I can't create firewall-ish rules to do what I want to do, like I could do 
with my Netopia.  I may end up with another Netopia, but the embedded hub only 
supports 10MB connections.

Sooo, two questions:

1.  Any recommendations for a router with an 8 port hub (100MB ports) that will allow 
me to create my own firewall rules and will work on the shelf in my coat closet?
2.  Anyone know of someone who wants to buy a BEFSR81?  :-)



I know there’s money in horses. I put it there!

Warren Weber
wrweber at hufta.net

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