[TriLUG] HTTP proxy/filter

Dean Price deano at price4.org
Fri Jul 22 12:11:44 EDT 2005

check out dansguardian, www.dansguardian.org ....

it is awesome content filtering software... comes bundled into 
ClarkConnect also

I have written a script that parses the logs each night and captures any 
DENIED web attempts and then sends to me...

There is also a default webpage that it displays when a user (my son) 
tries to go somewhere that is unapproved... You can change the default 
to whatever you like

Thank You,
Dean Price
deano at price4.org

Brian Henning wrote:

> Hi Crew,
>   Another troll for comments (TFC?...), this time about http 
> filtering.  The features I'd love to see are:
> - List of allowed / denied sites easily adiminstered.
> - Proxy-style; one server handles everyone's access, looks like a 
> proxy to a browser for ease of installation.
> - It'd be nice if allow/deny were segregated by the originator's IP
> - It'd have to be smart about things like Yahoo redirects, which 
> appear to fool IE's Content Advisor.
> The /really/ cool feature I'd love to see is:
> - If a user attempts to view a site that isn't on the allow-list, he 
> is presented with a basic page that says "Sorry, that domain / site 
> isn't on the list of authorized sites.  Please click here to submit a 
> request to have it authorized."  Clicking said widget (be it a link or 
> a button...trifle) would fire off an e-mail to the administrator 
> containing a link into the admin interface which would present a list 
> of pending auth requests.  Allowing or denying each one would possibly 
> send an e-mail back to the originator of the request alerting him to 
> the decision.
> These can't be innovative ideas.  Anybody got some suggestions along 
> those lines?  Building my own would be neat, but probably too 
> time-consuming.
> Thanks!
> ~Brian

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