[TriLUG] essential Linux skills? (OT, humor)

Jeff Groves jgroves at krenim.org
Tue Aug 16 19:51:20 EDT 2005

>>>1. perform a sendmail to qmail conversion

BAH!  Wimps....  Better test would be to have them show proficiency with sendmail instead of taking the pansy's way out with qmail.

No one has mentioned shell scripting....  Hello!?!

Jeff G.

William Sutton wrote:

>Some of us on #trilug have come up with a representative list:
>1. perform a sendmail to qmail conversion
>2. checking crontab syntax with cron tools
>3. lsattrs for filesystems not using ACLs
>4. mainstream distros use of nonstandard file system tables for network 
>file systems
>5. Using bleeding edge Linux distributions in a production environment
>6. creating a gui wrapper around ping using kdialog
>7. using Nagios and openNMS to map all the pr0n servers on the internet
>8. testing vnc, rdp, nx and x11 by loopback mounting your localhost
>9. Multiple nested sessions with vnc and Xnest
>10. Protecting yourself from yourself:  ssh root at localhost
>11. recursive use of fork to test your system's memory allocation 
>12. check load averages with while (true); do uptime; done
>13. Setting up a firewall with 'iptables -F INPUT -j DROP<click><connection refused>
>14. restoring connection by 'iptables -F INPUT'
>Feel free to amend the list...or at least get a good chuckle.

Jeff Groves
email: jgroves at krenim.org             Web Site: http://www.krenim.org/

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