[TriLUG] OT: Need a thinkpad power supply

David McDowell turnpike420 at gmail.com
Wed Aug 24 22:10:30 EDT 2005

w00t! 12 cents!  please donate to TriLUG.  :p  wow, that perl stuff...
zoiks, amazing, I am no longer worthy... and what an incredible way to
bring the thread on-topic.  wow.  *stares blankly in awe*

David McD

On 8/24/05, Aaron S. Joyner <aaron at joyner.ws> wrote:
> This is exactly the kind of solution I was looking for.  :)  Although,
> Timothy doesn't seem to want the quarter (as evidenced by his lack of
> links), so I'll just send 13 cents on over to Lee who came up with the
> shortest post the soonest, and 12 cents to David for the longest.  The
> comparison for the shortest between the two candidates comes up
> something like this:
> 5      12      61 = Cygwin
> 3      15      83 = Pavlov's dog
> The cygwin post wins in everything but line count.  Since shortest is an
> incomplete description (shortest vertically when printed, fewest bytes,
> fewest words, fewest bytes after maximum gzip compression - aka least
> "information", etc), I'd go with the default of who ever wins the wc
> character count.  For those not familiar with the above output, man wc.
> Now for the dissection of Tim's post, for the curious.  I welcome his
> commentary or additional comments on how many revs of that perl one
> liner he went through before he got it counting right.  :)
> Timothy A. Chagnon wrote:
> >...Nasty fun with perl, just counting lines to get a good guess:
> >$ mkdir joyner
> >$ wget -nd -nH -P joyner -r -l 1 -A gz \
> >-X Week-of http://www.trilug.org/pipermail/trilug/
> >
> >
> Get the files linked from the TriLUG archives, recursively down one
> level, which end in .gz, and store them on the local disk (in "joyner").
> >$ gunzip -c joyner/*gz >trilug.txt
> >
> >
> Decompress them all into a file called trilug.txt (there by creating a
> single text file with all the posts to trilug, ever).
> >$ perl -n -e 'if( /^From: / ){ if($count){print "$count\n";$count=0}
> >if(/joyner/){$joyner=1;}else{$joyner=0}  }else{if($joyner){ if(/^Date: /||/^Subject:/){print;} if(!/^>/&&/[a-zA-Z]/){$count++;}} }' trilug.txt |perl -n -e 'chomp; if(/^Date/) {$d=$_;}else{if(/^Sub/){$s=$_;}else{print "$_ $d $s\n";}}'|sort -n -k1
> >
> >
> To deconstruct this, it helps to break it down from a one liner into
> properly intended code, which would be commented something like this:
> if( /^From: / ){ # If it's the start of a message...
>   if($count) {   print "$count\n"; $count=0; } # Consider it the end of the
>                                           # previous message, print the count
>   if(/joyner/) { $joyner=1; } # if the From line contains "joyner", mark it
>   else {         $joyner=0; } # otherwise, clear that mark
> }
> else{ # if this is a line in a message...
>   if($joyner) { # marked as written by me...
>      if(/^Date: /||/^Subject:/) { print; } # print the date and subject headers
>      if(!/^>/&&/[a-zA-Z]/)      { $count++; } # and count all the other lines
>   }
> }
> This ends the first script, and he runs that script across the trilug.txt file, which produces some output that's just line a Date: line, a Subject: line, and a line count.  He then runs this second script, using the previous script's output as it's input:
> chomp; # clear off the newline character
> if(/^Date/) { # If it's the date line
>   $d=$_; # stick the line in a var $d
> }
> else{
>   if(/^Sub/){ # if it's a subject line
>      $s=$_; # stick it in the var $s
>   }
>   else{
>      print "$_ $d $s\n"; # print the count, date, and subject lines on one line
>   }
> }
> He then takes the output of that, and runs it through sort, in order to ... well.. I'll leave that up to the reader.
> So who wants to point out potential points for optimization of his code?  Tim - care to comment on / condense / clean up anything?  :)
> Aaron S. Joyner
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